WITSML Application

Digital technology and data communication play increasing role in well drilling and testing. The newest WITSML standard opens new possibilities of data processing.

WITSML enables:

- Integration of data from multiple sources,

- Intelligent tools for data processing,

- Cooperation technology

- Central monitoring

- Reporting to operators and regulators.


- Drilling and geological time and depth based data

- Well construction reports,

- Drilling reports

- Fracturing reports

WITSML advantages.

From operator’s point of view interdisciplinary real-time data of better quality facilitates decision making. Data can be re-used for future projects with existing geologic and geophysics application software.

For data logging company the uniform standard facilitates data sharing for interpretation, optimisation and reporting. Simplifies and enhances data flow process using repeatable procedures.  Using of global standard opens foreign markets and enables international environment cooperation.

For geological supervisor the unified standard simplifies data collection and lowers data processing costs.

For new data processing application developers, unified standard simplifies software designing and testing. Shortens substantially time needed for new solutions development and ensures their quality. Enables the application to communicate with other systems using same standard.